Episode 3 | Tucson, Arizona

On day two of our trip to Tucson, we set out in search of the best street tacos in town.

We were excited to try out Street Taco and Beer Co., a local chain with four locations scattered throughout Tucson that was voted the Best Tacos in the Arizona Daily Star Readers' Choice Awards and the best place to eat lunch downtown in Tucson Weekly magazine. With the help of our friend Matt Hesse, we were able to track down the nearest location, which was located in the Rooney Ranch Shopping Center.

As soon as we walked into Street Taco and Beer Co., we were struck by the vibrant atmosphere and the friendly staff. We chatted with one of the staff members, who told us that the secret to their tacos was the quality of the ingredients and flavors they used – everything was fresh and handmade. They took a lot of pride in preparing their meals and were more than happy to spend a few minutes chatting with us about the history of the chain.

When our tacos arrived, we were blown away by the flavors and the level of spice. They were delicious, and we could tell that a lot of care had gone into preparing them. We enjoyed every bite. It was definitely one of the best taco experiences we've ever had, and we're grateful to have discovered it.

After enjoying our delicious tacos, we set off to explore some of the other sights and sounds of Tucson.

We made our way down to 4th Avenue in downtown Tucson and stopped in at a few of the local stores that have made the street a popular spot for tourists and locals alike. While down there, I got the impulse to add a tattoo. Thankfully Sacred Heart Tattoo had a walk-in appointment available. I opted for something simple, the outline of a cactus, to remember the years I spent growing up in Tucson.

From there, it was off to the Tucson International Airport for a Covid test which was required prior to our flight back home. By this point in the pandemic, we had become so used to taking them for travel purposes that they had become second nature.

After our covid tests, we headed over to one of Adrienne's favorite places: Bookmans Entertainment Exchange East. This store is a paradise for anyone who loves books, movies, music, and all sorts of other entertainment.

Even though we had been here before, we were still struck by the sheer variety of items available. There were rows and rows of books, movies, and music, as well as all sorts of other items like games, toys, and collectibles.

Adrienne was in her element, browsing through the shelves and picking out items that caught her eye. We spent some time wandering through the store, checking out all of the different sections, and chatting with the friendly staff. We were impressed by the range of items available and were happy to see that there was something for everyone.

After a day of exploring and adventure, we were ready to head back home and relax with some friends and family. We were excited to celebrate the last night of our trip with a delicious home-cooked meal and were happy to have some great friends to help us prepare it.

Chris and Marek took charge of the cooking and whipped up a batch of delicious Mexican street tacos. They used fresh ingredients and some secret spices to create a meal that was full of flavor and heat. Meanwhile, our friend Matt, who is arguably one of the best bartenders we know, mixed up some delicious drinks to go with the tacos.

As we prepared dinner, Chris challenged me to a hot pepper contest to see how well I could handle the heat. We started off with a milder pepper, which I seemed to be able to handle with ease. But then Chris brought out a spicier one, and things started to get a bit more intense. I took a bite of the pepper and immediately felt the heat. It was certainly spicy, but I was determined to hold my own in the contest. I managed to keep the pepper down and even managed to keep a brave face on despite the burning sensation in my mouth.

In the end, I was able to handle the heat pretty well, but it was certainly a challenge. I think Chris was a bit surprised by my fortitude, but I'm always up for a good spicy challenge. It was a fun way to kick off dinner, and we all had a good laugh over it.

We all gathered around the table and enjoyed the feast, chatting and laughing and enjoying each other's company. It was the perfect way to end our trip, and we were grateful to have such great friends to share it with.

After dinner, we said our goodbyes and made plans to get together again soon, already looking forward to our next adventure together.


Episode 4 | Tucson, Arizona


Episode 2 | Biosphere 2, Tucson Arizona