Episode 2 | Biosphere 2, Tucson Arizona

After travelling from Toronto to Tucson for all of the previous day, we were ready to spend our first full day in Tucson exploring all that the city had to offer. We had big plans for the day and were excited to meet up with our friends Chris and Matt who would accompany us for some of the day’s adventures.

Our first stop was La Encantada Shopping Center, a popular destination for shopping and dining. The open aired mall features over 60 shops and restaurants. The mall also features beautiful art that decorates and celebrates the Southwest.

After visiting a few stores at La Encantada Shopping Center, we headed to the Northwest location of Bookmans Entertainment Exchange, one of Adrienne's favorite places to go while visiting Tucson.

As soon as we walked into the store, we were struck by the sheer variety of items available. There were rows and rows of books, movies, and music, as well as all sorts of other items like games, toys, and collectibles. Adrienne was in her element, browsing through the shelves and picking out items that caught her eye.

In the end, we picked out a few items to bring home with us, knowing that this wouldn’t be the only Bookmans we would visit on the trip. After our trip to Bookmans Entertainment Exchange, we headed back home to meet up with our best friend Chris, host of Scrambler Stories, who was also in town visiting. We had big plans for the day and were excited to check out Biosphere 2.

Biosphere 2 is a unique research facility located in Oracle, Arizona. It was originally built in the late 1980s with the goal of creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that could support human life. In 1991, a group of scientists and researchers known as the "Biospherians" were sealed inside the facility for a two-year experiment to test the viability of the ecosystems.

As soon as we arrived at Biosphere 2, we were struck by the unique architecture of the facility. It was like nothing we had ever seen before, with a series of interconnected glass domes that housed a variety of different ecosystems.

The facility was designed as a series of interconnected glass domes, each of which housed a different ecosystem. These ecosystems included a rainforest, a savannah, a desert, and an ocean, among others. The goal of the project was to create a self-sustaining environment that could support human life for extended periods of time.

We spent some time exploring the different domes, learning about the various research projects that were being conducted there. We were amazed by the variety of plant and animal life that we saw and were impressed by the dedication of the scientists who worked at the facility.

The Biosphere 2 experiment was not without its challenges, as the Biospherians faced a number of issues with the systems inside the domes, including oxygen levels and food production. Despite these challenges, the experiment was considered a success, and the Biosphere 2 project gained international attention. In the years since, the facility has been used for a variety of research projects, including studies on climate change, ocean acidification, and the impact of humans on ecosystems.

As we made our way through the different domes, we were amazed by the variety of plant and animal life that we saw. From the lush greenery of the rainforest dome, to the sandy desert landscape of the desert dome, each ecosystem had its own unique beauty and character.

As we explored Biosphere 2, we couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to spend the night there. It was an interesting thought, and we joked about the possibility of being able to make it happen someday. We knew that the facility was used for research purposes, and we thought that it would be an incredible opportunity to spend some time inside the domes and learn more about the various ecosystems that exist there. We even joked about the possibility of collaborating with the University of Arizona, which operates Biosphere 2, on a project that would allow us to spend a night inside the facility.

Of course, we knew that it was just a dream at the moment, but it was still fun to imagine what it would be like to spend a night in Biosphere 2. Who knows, maybe one day we'll get the chance to make it happen! (If anyone from the University of Arizona is reading this, we'd be more than happy to collaborate with you!)

Overall, our visit to Biosphere 2 was an incredible and educational experience. We learned a lot about the different ecosystems that exist within the domes, and we're grateful to have had the opportunity to visit such a unique and important research facility. Today, it is open to the public as a research facility and educational center and continues to be a unique and important resource for scientists and researchers around the world.

After our visit to Biosphere 2, Chris, Adrienne, and I headed back to my Arizona home and met up with our other best friend, Matt.

My parents were excited to have all of us under one roof, and because we (as Canadians) had just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving, and in that we were so close to the American Thanksgiving holiday, we created our first "Can-American Thanksgiving".

We spent the evening preparing a delicious Thanksgiving meal, complete with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and all of the other traditional dishes. It was a great opportunity for all of us to come together and celebrate our friendships and the many things that we have to be grateful for.

After dinner, we spent some time chatting and catching up, sharing stories, and laughing together. It was a truly special evening and one that we will all remember for years to come.


Episode 3 | Tucson, Arizona


Episode 1 | From Toronto to Tucson