Episode 9 | Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii

Hang on to your surfboards because, on this episode of Aimlessly Wandering, we’re crossing the Pacific and heading to Maui Hawaii. The 808 state was added to the United States in 1959, making it the last (and most recent) state to join the Union.

Over the course of the next few episodes, we’ll be exploring Lahaina Maui, spending some time by the pool, surviving The Road To Hana, snorkeling, and more. But before we get there, we had one stop to make…

That’s right, beautiful Rochester New York! You’re probably wondering how we ended up here, and why we’re at a mall and not on a beach. Unfortunately, due to United Airlines Incompetence, we spent the first day of our Vacation stuck in Rochester due to them canceling our original flight, which made us a day late for our family trip.

But hey! At least we got to check out this really cool Mall…

Our total travel time to Hawaii was just over 13 hours, 15 if you count the drive to Rochester, but by the time we touched down, we regained our excitement and were ready to head out and explore.

Our first stop was literally by the side of the highway, where there were beautiful cliffs, waves, and even some shrimp. Okay, well besides my sisters’ weird obsession with eating prawns without cocktail sauce, the viewpoint was gorgeous and it was really a great start to what would become an amazing trip.

After our first roadside stopover, it was time to check out our surroundings and hit up the resort, and cool off in the pool. The first thing we noticed as soon as we stepped out into the airport, was just how humid it was. Thank goodness the resort had an amazing pool, with an even more amazing view.

15 hours 4,688 miles later, our trip to Maui finally felt real! And after checking out our first Hawaiian sunset, it was time to get some sleep and gear up for our first full day in Maui. Speaking of waves, and no not the waves of Adrienne’s hair, aren’t we supposed to be checking out the beach?

Ah yes, there we go, much better. If you’re looking for a great spot to soak in the sun, or take in an amazing sunset, Ka’anapali Beach is certainly not to be missed, just like Adrienne’s dance moves! After strolling in the sun, it was time to cool off with some cocktails at Duke’s.

While sipping on cocktails might have helped bring down our temperature, I can’t think of a better way to beat the heat than to splash into a pool. After some alcohol-induced laps, we took in our first Hawaiian sunset and called it a night.

Well, that pretty much wraps up our first day and a half of our trip - and we’ve still got five more days to go! On our next episode, we’ll check out Lahaina, and explore The Road To Hanna.


Episode 10 | Maui, Hawaii


Episode 8 | Seattle, Washington