Where Have We Been? The Truth Behind Our Absence

I know it's been a while since I last posted a video, which may have you asking yourselves

"Hey, when's the next Aimlessly Wandering video? I'm waiting!"

So I just wanted to take a second to give you a quick update and let you know what's been going on, and what we have planned going forward. The reason we haven't been posting videos as of late is simply that we haven't been travelling as much as we'd like to. We did have a trip earlier this year to Arizona.

We had planned to go to the Grand Canyon, specifically for Adrienne's first time there, but ultimately the weather didn't cooperate. There was a lot of snow up in Northern Arizona, and it was just not a good trip weather-wise. So while we did end up going to Sedona and Scottsdale and Phoenix and having a blast up there, ultimately the footage we shot didn't really tell the whole story.

When I put out a video I just genuinely want it to be great content, I want it to be informative, I want it to be enjoyable, and while I got some great clips, I just don't think I could do enough with it to tell a good story of our trip to Arizona. That said, going forward, now that spring and summer are here, we have a lot of video pieces that we want to put together and share with you, especially around the area of Niagara Falls, Ontario, where Adrienne and I live. We've got a lot of great clips that we've been building over the last year or so that will tell a great story, and I'm looking forward to sharing those with you in the days and weeks ahead.

I should also point out that later this summer I've got an amazing new surprise trip coming up. I'm not saying anything else, I'm not going to leave you with anything other than that, but you'll want to stay subscribed and hit that alert button to get notified when I start putting out that content, because trust me, I'm excited about it, and you're not going to want to miss it.

Until then I just wanted to take a second to say 'thank you' to all my subscribers for tuning in, for watching those videos. Hopefully, you find them inspiring, hopefully, you learn something from them. If anything I just love sharing our adventures with you, and I am looking forward to the summer series we have coming up.

So until then, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all of the continued support that you guys offer. Special shout out to my friend Matt Hesse, Chris Vatier, and Kamil Kruk, who is my graphic guy, thank you for that. They constantly support me all of the time, so a big shout out to them. In fact, if you're looking for something to watch while you wait for new videos, check out my friend Chris' YouTube channel, Scrambler Stories, him and his wife Caitlyn are living an amazing adventure right now on a scrambler motorcycle. You're not going to want to miss the content!

Thank you so much, I look forward to sharing new videos with you soon.

We'll catch you later.


Welcome Aboard!


Sedona, Arizona